Friday, May 6, 2016

War - You're too close to see...Back up...

While my classmates slept, and dozed off, I was wide awake at 7:15am, listening to a former US Government Attorney, now retired, talking about history, and the relevance of war. This man, tall, old and wise as a tree, stood there and incorporated law with history to show their connection and how they work hand in hand. This was one of the only subjects that kept me awake in college, world history. Speaking of which, I realize I've been carrying around a notebook I had in college and its amazing to look at the notes I took and still have.

There are people out there who will see the potential in others, and have the wisdom enough to only show us the light and allow us to make our own choice and effort to go for what we believe in. Now, I'm sure many people I attended college with could give a hoot about world history and random facts about each war, and the governments that perpetrated them. Yet, this is the only event that truly changes our way of life…Lets examine this.

If there are no wars, everything stays the same, yet technology and information keeps piling up, growing and changing, yet the environment, buildings, etc. stays the same… The only way for real change, on a massive scale to occur, especially in a down economy is war, or the dismantling of the current way of life, rules of life and collective effort of the people in that nation. Now looking at the previous options, which would you think is more viable for a government?

War is the easiest thing to choose, for it simply requires that government officials leave the land being destroyed, or go into hiding underground, and return once it is all over. The front is always an attack, religion, hate, or some other negative propaganda being perpetrated through the media.

War also has its benefits, the military, long trained and awaiting blood and destruction based on their objectives, are ready to be deployed to “fight for freedom”. Companies that manufacture weapons and gear for war can now hire thousands of employees, sales of food will go through the roof as the anticipation of famine and lack of food will drive fear into everyone. While all this ensues, the government body is fully protected, and have a supply of food and energy to last years at minimum. Their own private army protects them in a secure location. This is the same for owners of large corporations making hundreds of thousands to millions per year.

Once the war is over, talks of victory and rebuilding comes into play. New technologies are secured into the infrastructure of the new buildings and homes. The population is usually decimated, so people are encouraged to start families and have babies. New companies are built and people go back to work. New laws are passed and more restriction on free will are suppressed under the guise of security and protection for all.

Another 50 or 100 years later, the cycle is at its peak, and a new nation gets ready for the same process of elimination and re-creation.

Yet,…Where is the voice of the people in all this? Why is it that the people have no say, or power to stop wars and deaths of millions of people?

It all starts with distraction and illusion. People have a traditional belief in the voting system. No longer are we working as a collective body within specific areas with complete control on how our society is run. We now give our power to the seemingly more educated and apt individuals who promise freedom and security while they implement more and more restrictions, taxes, tolls, raise prices, etc. Inevitably taking away our real assets, our attention and time.

Is this uncommon thinking? You would be surprised to know that every single state in the united states have filed petitions to secede or be removed from the collective “United States” as a lower government ruled body. Check out these news articles about the subject.
You can also find many other articles on google about the same subject:

It is simply not an attractive deal anymore to be controlled by one central government. Many people have different values, lifestyle habits, needs, wants, and outlook on life in general. Even though some things may be allowed in some states, a larger governmental (supreme court ruling), may override that state’s power with an absolute rule. Big brother anyone?

Until the collective is ripped apart and then powered by the people who are apart of their own area, we will continue to have wars, conflicts and destruction to keep those in power and those without, suffer.

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