As a planet, we are currently on the low end of the scale as it concerns our overall collective awareness. This is demonstrated by our societies, way of life, and overall state of living. As Brian Tracy once said, "Your true beliefs are shown in your actions, not your thinking".
There's no point in re-stating the negative, or obvious. The purpose of this article is to provide the information necessary to those who wish to use its knowledge and later cultivate wisdom for use in assisting in raising the collective consciousness.
A little story...The Dark Ages is still here...It Never Left...
Many great people of spiritual and physical influence have surfaced and left planet earth. None have really changed the world as a whole. Largely, because of the separation and divide created by various religions, beliefs, etc. However, people from every belief system have gravitated toward the intended knowledge, but not for very long. From Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus, Marcus Garvy, Martin Luther King, Bob Marley, Oprah, and many others, the spreading of the teachings of truth and togetherness has long survived prosecution.
What is the dark ages, and how to tell if you're still there? Well, this was not only a physical period in time, it was and still is a mindset. The way one thinks, governs his actions, his beliefs and his destiny. If you are confined, and allow your environment to dictate your thinking, or influence your thinking, you are a victim of the dark ages. This will show in various aspects of your life. If you eat improperly (Fast foods, lots of meats, etc), think improperly (depressing thoughts, negative thoughts, regretful thoughts, etc), give your attention improperly (watch fights, entertain negative conversations, regretful conversations, join in negative group talk, etc) and act improperly (fight, curse, hate, regret, dispise, scorn, orhinder the path of others), then you can be sure you are living in the dark ages. For not only are you creating negative energy, you are creating a negative environment to house that type of energy. This in turn creates a negative reality, which will embrace all your negative habits.
Why is negative energy considered a "bad" or "undesirable" thing? Well, lets get a little spiritual and scientific to answer this question. We are currently at the third plain of existence, which is called the "3rd Dimension". Most of us have heard this before, but never seeked meaning, so lets examine what this really means. For there to be a "3rd" then there must be a first and second right? That is the logical progression of how we understand numbers. The first dimension is what's called "Formless". It is a single point in space/time, like a "dot". From this, emerges the second dimension, which consists of only 2 dimensions, and the beginning of form. The 2nd dimension consists of length and width. And from the second dimension, comes height, forming the 3rd dimension. The third dimension is said to be where negative and positive energy collide to create stabilization and life, aka Energy. Energy is simply the movement of particles that has the potential of creating force, friction or some form of work. Positive energy lightens and builds on the blocks of negative energy to create a more stable object or being. And the reverse is also true; negative energy will burden and bring down/destroy an object or being. This is the nature of both forms of energy.
We are an energy creating machine... As humans, we are very powerful. I am sure most of you have heard this before. How powerful are we, really? Well, we've all heard of ghosts, evil spirit possessions, etc. If we were weak and undesirable,...why would a demon, spirit (good or bad) try to "possess" our body? What do they know that we don't? I bet you haven't thought about that. I once told someone dare to me, I would rather know, than not know. Even if it could potentially harm me, I would prefer to be prepared with the light of the truth, than asleep in darkness. The reason anything would want to attack us spiritually, or physically for possession of our bodies is because of the enormous potential of the energy capabilities of the body. We are unaware of the true use and potential of the body because we are too young in maturity as a species. Our powers lie dormant until we come of responsible maturity on properly utilizing our potential.
We are capable of amazing things, only if we become more aware of the damage or greatness we impart and recieve from others. We are NOT separate from a mentally ill person. Why? Because we are all spiritually connected. How do we confirm that? What do you feel when you look at a homeless or "crazy" person, as a person? Do you feel sorrow, pain or any remorse for that person? Do you ever wonder what happened to them? Most of us do, whether we show it or not. This is a reflection of apart of us as a collective, yet we cannot yet see that as a collective until we understand it. The same way you cannot imagine what a being from another planet looks like, until you experience it.
Life is a great classroom, each and every decision creates a new path ahead of us, filled with obstacles, laughter, opportunity, disappointment, hurdles, potholes, etc. At the point of achieving each goal, another one is presented for possible pursuit. You are here only because of the decisions you made up to this point. From your decision to get up in the morning, to your decision to go to sleep at a certain time.
Love and Collective Consciousness... is the goal. At the point of achieving the beginning of wisdom, one quickly begins to see things in the "NOW". No longer is one plagued by the possibilities of the future, or the disappointments of the past. One is able to confront fear, and proceed forward in the face of adversity as a habit. Things become clear, and one begins to see things fro what they really are, and not what the imagination or brain classify it to be. Genuine love can be projected and given to assist with the raising of consciousness of another being or group of beings. We are at a time of massive information overload, and to impart knowledge, we must ingest smaller bits of information in large formats, for the brain, mind and consciousness to properly analyze and use this information in a useful way.
We must first learn to be still, focus on the now, and see ourselves as a positive influence for others, to truly begin to entertain a heighten level of consciousness. Begin to disassociate yourself from the "I", "Me" and "My" form of possessive attitude, and begin to embrace the collective "We" consciousness. And I know some of us are concerned about money, survival and living. By simply assisting others, monetary advancement will be a bother of the past. For collectively, we can always achieve much more, than we can achieve in a lifetime of single pursuit.
Can you imagine if we all worked together in creating love and harmony? Can you imagine the entire planet learning about compassion, love and the abundance of joy that would embrace the entire planet? Wouldn't you love to see the planet enter an age of golden prosperity, love, togetherness and free from tyranny? I encourage you to re-read this note and share respectfully.
Wikipedia explanation of the words "Collective Consciousness":
News Article on Collective Consciousness:
There's no point in re-stating the negative, or obvious. The purpose of this article is to provide the information necessary to those who wish to use its knowledge and later cultivate wisdom for use in assisting in raising the collective consciousness.
A little story...The Dark Ages is still here...It Never Left...
Many great people of spiritual and physical influence have surfaced and left planet earth. None have really changed the world as a whole. Largely, because of the separation and divide created by various religions, beliefs, etc. However, people from every belief system have gravitated toward the intended knowledge, but not for very long. From Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus, Marcus Garvy, Martin Luther King, Bob Marley, Oprah, and many others, the spreading of the teachings of truth and togetherness has long survived prosecution.
What is the dark ages, and how to tell if you're still there? Well, this was not only a physical period in time, it was and still is a mindset. The way one thinks, governs his actions, his beliefs and his destiny. If you are confined, and allow your environment to dictate your thinking, or influence your thinking, you are a victim of the dark ages. This will show in various aspects of your life. If you eat improperly (Fast foods, lots of meats, etc), think improperly (depressing thoughts, negative thoughts, regretful thoughts, etc), give your attention improperly (watch fights, entertain negative conversations, regretful conversations, join in negative group talk, etc) and act improperly (fight, curse, hate, regret, dispise, scorn, orhinder the path of others), then you can be sure you are living in the dark ages. For not only are you creating negative energy, you are creating a negative environment to house that type of energy. This in turn creates a negative reality, which will embrace all your negative habits.
Why is negative energy considered a "bad" or "undesirable" thing? Well, lets get a little spiritual and scientific to answer this question. We are currently at the third plain of existence, which is called the "3rd Dimension". Most of us have heard this before, but never seeked meaning, so lets examine what this really means. For there to be a "3rd" then there must be a first and second right? That is the logical progression of how we understand numbers. The first dimension is what's called "Formless". It is a single point in space/time, like a "dot". From this, emerges the second dimension, which consists of only 2 dimensions, and the beginning of form. The 2nd dimension consists of length and width. And from the second dimension, comes height, forming the 3rd dimension. The third dimension is said to be where negative and positive energy collide to create stabilization and life, aka Energy. Energy is simply the movement of particles that has the potential of creating force, friction or some form of work. Positive energy lightens and builds on the blocks of negative energy to create a more stable object or being. And the reverse is also true; negative energy will burden and bring down/destroy an object or being. This is the nature of both forms of energy.
We are an energy creating machine... As humans, we are very powerful. I am sure most of you have heard this before. How powerful are we, really? Well, we've all heard of ghosts, evil spirit possessions, etc. If we were weak and undesirable,...why would a demon, spirit (good or bad) try to "possess" our body? What do they know that we don't? I bet you haven't thought about that. I once told someone dare to me, I would rather know, than not know. Even if it could potentially harm me, I would prefer to be prepared with the light of the truth, than asleep in darkness. The reason anything would want to attack us spiritually, or physically for possession of our bodies is because of the enormous potential of the energy capabilities of the body. We are unaware of the true use and potential of the body because we are too young in maturity as a species. Our powers lie dormant until we come of responsible maturity on properly utilizing our potential.
We are capable of amazing things, only if we become more aware of the damage or greatness we impart and recieve from others. We are NOT separate from a mentally ill person. Why? Because we are all spiritually connected. How do we confirm that? What do you feel when you look at a homeless or "crazy" person, as a person? Do you feel sorrow, pain or any remorse for that person? Do you ever wonder what happened to them? Most of us do, whether we show it or not. This is a reflection of apart of us as a collective, yet we cannot yet see that as a collective until we understand it. The same way you cannot imagine what a being from another planet looks like, until you experience it.
Life is a great classroom, each and every decision creates a new path ahead of us, filled with obstacles, laughter, opportunity, disappointment, hurdles, potholes, etc. At the point of achieving each goal, another one is presented for possible pursuit. You are here only because of the decisions you made up to this point. From your decision to get up in the morning, to your decision to go to sleep at a certain time.
Love and Collective Consciousness... is the goal. At the point of achieving the beginning of wisdom, one quickly begins to see things in the "NOW". No longer is one plagued by the possibilities of the future, or the disappointments of the past. One is able to confront fear, and proceed forward in the face of adversity as a habit. Things become clear, and one begins to see things fro what they really are, and not what the imagination or brain classify it to be. Genuine love can be projected and given to assist with the raising of consciousness of another being or group of beings. We are at a time of massive information overload, and to impart knowledge, we must ingest smaller bits of information in large formats, for the brain, mind and consciousness to properly analyze and use this information in a useful way.
We must first learn to be still, focus on the now, and see ourselves as a positive influence for others, to truly begin to entertain a heighten level of consciousness. Begin to disassociate yourself from the "I", "Me" and "My" form of possessive attitude, and begin to embrace the collective "We" consciousness. And I know some of us are concerned about money, survival and living. By simply assisting others, monetary advancement will be a bother of the past. For collectively, we can always achieve much more, than we can achieve in a lifetime of single pursuit.
Can you imagine if we all worked together in creating love and harmony? Can you imagine the entire planet learning about compassion, love and the abundance of joy that would embrace the entire planet? Wouldn't you love to see the planet enter an age of golden prosperity, love, togetherness and free from tyranny? I encourage you to re-read this note and share respectfully.
Wikipedia explanation of the words "Collective Consciousness":
News Article on Collective Consciousness:

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