Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life, Cells, God and what makes us special...

I’ve always been curious about myself, my so called spirit and my connection with the universe (aka god). After much research and experiments over the years I’ve come across some very interesting information I will include on my blog when I have time to expand on things.

First thing I experimented with was to accomplish a successful out of body experience. I acquired a PDF book called “out of body experience” or thats what I think the name was. I read the book in awe and excitement, I felt strangely interested and exhilarated at learning this new information. At some point, I mentioned the information to a spiritual mentor of mine, and was able to obtain a body protection Audio Instruction CD. The cd basically teaches you what to visualize before you leave your body. This is very important for doing self induced out of body experiences without influence of external stimuli.

The first out of body experience was nothing short of spectacular. I ended up somewhere I can only reference to being in a star system. Without limbs, a body or a “perspective”. It seemed that I could see in all directions at once, but hard to explain once I returned to my body. I could not tell if time was relevant or not.

Since that experience, I have had profound and non-explainable experiences and heightened sense of “togetherness” as well as “self”. Whenever I focused on a goal, it seemed more clear on how to achieve it. I would go to the post office, and maybe one or 2 people are there, then as soon as I join the line, a stream of people come in and fill the line. I would be driving, and it would seem as if the stop lights are changing in my favor to get through with my day.

I won’t list every experience here, but the final experience I will list is one I had after listening to a very powerful audio seminar. It reinforces my belief of being able to demand from the universe what one wants. However, it puts into perspective why i have been so successful. I focused my energy entirely on my goal, with emotional projection, and this apparently is like a magnet pulling things, time, people, situations and circumstances together to give me the necessary experience needed to be ready for what I was projecting. I decided I wanted to move from New York City and live some where more affordable that I could own a home and start a family shortly after. So I decided on a date to quit my job, took a vacation right after, moved to my new location and got a house within 45 days and currently live there.

Often when I do what I call the EPP technique, I find myself solving complex problems that no one else seem to take notice of. I experimented with this by asking a bunch of people to look at something, especially number sequences that seem random and tell me if they can distinguish anything from the ordinary and confirm not everyone can see something they are not made aware of.

I say all this to say that we are all connected unconsciously and work together to accomplish the goals of ourselves or the goals of others. We cannot sit dormant, or we will go into depression. We may look different on the outside, but we may be the same thing that our cells are. Just a cog in the wheel of a bigger purpose. Without some kind of connection, we would go around in chaos, we would not have an attainable purpose for other things in the way would interfere with our path to our goal. Just like a stop light or stop sign makes traffic regulation possible, the same is the fabric of energetic beings, there is something that connects or directs everything, and that thing is all of us as a whole.

Many religious terms are used incorrectly, and will most likely never be corrected.

CREATOR = Being that does not interfere in the affairs or direction of other beings.
GOD = an idol or physical being that is more intelligent / powerful than humans and often demands worship.
DEVIL = Supposed opposite of “GOD” or an “EVIL GOD”
JESUS = Man born of woman who learned esoteric secrets and taught primarily good (Search for the “Gospel of Thomas” in google or on
The Holy Spirit = Inter-dimensional being not confined to the natural order rules
ANGEL = Supposed henchmen of “GOD” or the “DEVIL”
DEMON = Spiritual or Non-Physical being that always tries to take over or enter a human body

Absolutely last point:
Many religions tell people about a heaven or hell that exists and will welcome people when they die depending on the decision of an all powerful force at the gate. Think about this for a second. If “someone” is telling you what to do even after you die, are you really dead? should you not have unlimited power to make whatever decision you want? If you give ALL your power to a menacing judge in the spiritual realm, you will truly not have any power. Embrace your spirit and esoteric being as an unstoppable force and there is NO Heaven or HELL. Without this belief, no one can “condemn” you to either place. Death, illness, weakness, etc is only a reality of the physical realm, so when pastors and other religious leaders tell people that in heaven, this and that doesn’t happen, its just a trap. Obviously those things only happen to a body stupid, a spirit is everlasting, but can still be controlled if you believe these manipulators that will trick you at every dimensional level!