Friday, May 27, 2016

Love - All the masters of the past encouraged it...

Love...What is it? How did we discover it? What can it really do? Why should I even care? Can I love someone and hate them later?

For everyone on this planet, love has its own meaning. For some it's physical, for some its emotional, and for others it may be spiritual (outside the body). So, lets examine all three and see if we can find an answer to this love question. However, before we try to define these question, it is important to familiarize one's self with a foundation prior to seeking something we think we are persuing.

Love itself, as described by just about everyone who's had an experience with the phenomenon, is a feeling inside. Warm, fuzzy, happy, overwhelming feeling of joy. This feeling, can be the result of a possession of a physical object, the characteristics of another human being, or the intelligence/consciousness of another being. When described this way, all three seem separate. However, all three brings one to a similar state of being...Love.

This feeling can last a short period of time, or may even span through lifetimes, according to various beliefs.

Now there are other aspects of the phenomenon called "Love" that is not widely publicized  or known on a large scale. So lets explore this other side of a more scientific view of Love. However, before we continue, lets look at the changes in the levels of consciousness today, and 1000 years ago. Prior to the mechanical, industrial and technological age, truth was simple. A phrase, story or parable was enough to explain what we would need a book for in today's present day. There were still schools, scholars, languages and just about everything else in society 1000 years ago, the only things that changed are technology and the amount of information we ingest on a daily basis. Now, because we have been taught (develop habits), to read and memorize massive amounts of information, our brains are now wired to always handle and process this massive amount of information at any given time. Therefore, small bits of information are no longer processed in the same way, it is usually overlooked or disregarded without processing. Our attention spans are no longer fixed and focused, but rather a mechanical imitation of a modern day computer that requires stimuli to function.

So now that we have covered the basis of our demise in intellectual pursuits, we can now look at the scientific results of our expressions of love and its reverse emotion, hate, or lack of love. As you undoubtedly know, we now have a general lifespan of approximately 70-80 years. However plenty religious, scientific and other literature speak about times when people would live 300-900 years old. Can our thinking actually diminish our life expectancy? Lets take a look at some simple experiments.

It has been scientifically proven that the emotional projection of love, on rice, cooked or uncooked in water, can yield startling results. You may undertake the task yourself, and share your results like these people below have done. The experiment first took place in China, then duplicated all over the world with similar results, here are the links for your reference.

Experiment Example 1:
Experiment Example 2:
Experiment Example 3:

With each experiment, you will see that love, or even the words, "I love you" consistently sent to a specific item, can stabilize the lifespan of that item and keep it in healthy condition. However, if hate or no love is projected to an item, it deteriorates much quicker or even die and create harmful gases and/or chemicals.

Now, what if we develop a circle of love between a group of people and maintain a consistency? What exactly would happen over a hundred years? What if the entire population of the planet adopted this practice? Would we have a "Golden" planet?

There are even more startling experiments done on humans, and animals, which demonstrate healing properties. Here's one live video of a healing experiment showing the removal of bladder cancer:

Now, at this point, I will explain that thought alone, does nothing. It would be as useless as noticing that the sky is cloudy, or its sunny outside. What really makes the difference is the "Feeling" one has inside, in conjunction with the thought, and the expansion or prolonging of that feeling, and ones' ability to intensify that feeling as desired. I wrote a paper called "Emotional Power Projection" describing a technique I used and experimented with for a while. Earlier this year, a friend of mine introduced me to a book called "Breaking the habit of being yourself". It explains in simple detail how our brains, minds and emotions work, essentially the same thing I wrote back in 2009.

I can only tell from experience, that when you realize the power of your thoughts and emotions (knowing), you are more careful about what you entertain. Ignorance can be a protective barrier for one's own protection, for misuse of things with little knowledge can cause devastating distruction. This is why literary centers, temples and places of learning was first consctructed. These institutions created learning levels so that those who wish raise their consciousness would go through the proper steps of preparation before being entrusted with knowledge that can be used for good or destruction. The same way one with knowledge of a knife would not give it to a baby, the same with those with knowledge would not give it to someone who would not be cautious with its use.

In returning back to the subject of love...If you assist someone in any way, without expecting anything in return, even if that person thought of you in a negative way before, they can no longer maintain that mindset. All that can be thought of you is good thoughts, and we now know that emotions play a role in thoughts. So now, you have a great stream of positive energy flowing back to you. Now think about this, if you assisted, 100 people and whenever they though of you, only good thoughts and emotions are sent out into the field of consciousness and enhances your energy field...ever seen those people who get to live to a hundred or more years old?

If you took the time to read and interact with this note, I hope you will now see the power of love in a new light, and change your own way of thinking and feeling.

With Love

Friday, May 20, 2016

Collective Consciousness

As a planet, we are currently on the low end of the scale as it concerns our overall collective awareness. This is demonstrated by our societies, way of life, and overall state of living. As Brian Tracy once said, "Your true beliefs are shown in your actions, not your thinking".

There's no point in re-stating the negative, or obvious. The purpose of this article is to provide the information necessary to those who wish to use its knowledge and later cultivate wisdom for use in assisting in raising the collective consciousness.

A little story...The Dark Ages is still here...It Never Left...
Many great people of spiritual and physical influence have surfaced and left planet earth. None have really changed the world as a whole. Largely, because of the separation and divide created by various religions, beliefs, etc. However, people from every belief system have gravitated toward the intended knowledge, but not for very long. From Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus, Marcus Garvy, Martin Luther King, Bob Marley, Oprah, and many others, the spreading of the teachings of truth and togetherness has long survived prosecution.

What is the dark ages, and how to tell if you're still there? Well, this was not only a physical period in time, it was and still is a mindset. The way one thinks, governs his actions, his beliefs and his destiny. If you are confined, and allow your environment to dictate your thinking, or influence your thinking, you are a victim of the dark ages. This will show in various aspects of your life. If you eat improperly (Fast foods, lots of meats, etc), think improperly (depressing thoughts, negative thoughts, regretful thoughts, etc), give your attention improperly (watch fights, entertain negative conversations, regretful conversations, join in negative group talk, etc) and act improperly (fight, curse, hate, regret, dispise, scorn, orhinder the path of others), then you can be sure you are living in the dark ages. For not only are you creating negative energy, you are creating a negative environment to house that type of energy. This in turn creates a negative reality, which will embrace all your negative habits.

Why is negative energy considered a "bad" or "undesirable" thing?  Well, lets get a little spiritual and scientific to answer this question. We are currently at the third plain of existence, which is called the "3rd Dimension". Most of us have heard this before, but never seeked meaning, so lets examine what this really means. For there to be a "3rd" then there must be a first and second right? That is the logical progression of how we understand numbers. The first dimension is what's called "Formless". It is a single point in space/time, like a "dot". From this, emerges the second dimension, which consists of only 2 dimensions, and the beginning of form. The 2nd dimension consists of length and width. And from the second dimension, comes height, forming the 3rd dimension. The third dimension is said to be where negative and positive energy collide to create stabilization and life, aka Energy. Energy is simply the movement of particles that has the potential of creating force, friction or some form of work. Positive energy lightens and builds on the blocks of negative energy to create a more stable object or being. And the reverse is also true; negative energy will burden and bring down/destroy an object or being. This is the nature of both forms of energy.

We are an energy creating machine... As humans, we are very powerful. I am sure most of you have heard this before. How powerful are we, really? Well, we've all heard of ghosts, evil spirit possessions, etc. If we were weak and undesirable,...why would a demon, spirit (good or bad) try to "possess" our body? What do they know that we don't? I bet you haven't thought about that. I once told someone dare to me, I would rather know, than not know. Even if it could potentially harm me, I would prefer to be prepared with the light of the truth, than asleep in darkness. The reason anything would want to attack us spiritually, or physically for possession of our bodies is because of the enormous potential of the energy capabilities of the body. We are unaware of the true use and potential of the body because we are too young in maturity as a species. Our powers lie dormant until we come of responsible maturity on properly utilizing our potential.

We are capable of amazing things, only if we become more aware of the damage or greatness we impart and recieve from others. We are NOT separate from a mentally ill person. Why? Because we are all spiritually connected. How do we confirm that? What do you feel when you look at a homeless or "crazy" person, as a person? Do you feel sorrow, pain or any remorse for that person? Do you ever wonder what happened to them? Most of us do, whether we show it or not. This is a reflection of apart of us as a collective, yet we cannot yet see that as a collective until we understand it. The same way you cannot imagine what a being from another planet looks like, until you experience it.

Life is a great classroom, each and every decision creates a new path ahead of us, filled with obstacles, laughter, opportunity, disappointment, hurdles, potholes, etc. At the point of achieving each goal, another one is presented for possible pursuit. You are here only because of the decisions you made up to this point. From your decision to get up in the morning, to your decision to go to sleep at a certain time.

Love and Collective Consciousness... is the goal. At the point of achieving the beginning of wisdom, one quickly begins to see things in the "NOW". No longer is one plagued by the possibilities of the future, or the disappointments of the past. One is able to confront fear, and proceed forward in the face of adversity as a habit. Things become clear, and one begins to see things fro what they really are, and not what the imagination or brain classify it to be. Genuine love can be projected and given to assist with the raising of consciousness of another being or group of beings. We are at a time of massive information overload, and to impart knowledge, we must ingest smaller bits of information in large formats, for the brain, mind and consciousness to properly analyze and use this information in a useful way.

We must first learn to be still, focus on the now, and see ourselves as a positive influence for others, to truly begin to entertain a heighten level of consciousness. Begin to disassociate yourself from the "I", "Me" and "My" form of possessive attitude, and begin to embrace the collective "We" consciousness. And I know some of us are concerned about money, survival and living. By simply assisting others, monetary advancement will be a bother of the past. For collectively, we can always achieve much more, than we can achieve in a lifetime of single pursuit.

Can you imagine if we all worked together in creating love and harmony? Can you imagine the entire planet learning about compassion, love and the abundance of joy that would embrace the entire planet? Wouldn't you love to see the planet enter an age of golden prosperity, love, togetherness and free from tyranny? I encourage you to re-read this note and share respectfully.

Wikipedia explanation of the words "Collective Consciousness":

News Article on Collective Consciousness:


Friday, May 13, 2016

Notes from Dalai Lama Talk - 10/8/2013

1. Compassion of sentient beings returns smiles, laughter, friendship and trust.

2. Kindness of mothers brings and teaches great love and compassion.

3. We need education about warm heartedness.

4. Females much more sensitive about other's pain (based on scientific research), so they have more potential for affection.

5. Think more by yourself then discuss with your friends.

6. Don't bother about opposition or those who do not look your way or share your thinking.

7. Be aware of contradicting emotions

8. If drug makers had no customers, there would be no need to make drugs.

9. Teaching of secular ethics will identify a map of emotions.

10. Detailed information is needed for full understanding.

11. All religion emphasizes on Love, Forgiveness, etc. None are drastically different in fundamental teachings.

12. Learn to practice and teach one-ness.

13. Faith & Reason must go together.

14. All faith is the practice of love.

15. Most conflict can be solved by simple common sense.

16. Learn to build union and share this knowledge.

17. Nonviolent actions depend on motivation.

18. Be wise with selfishness (give to get).

19. Compassion is selfish and selfless.

20. Society - the combination of single human beings.

21. Current generation must think of the kind of world we will leave for our children & generations to come.

22. Most events are mostly human creation.

23. Action is more important than faith.

24. Enthusiasm will not come from money.

25. Hero - a person of compassion and great love.

26. Make education for complete healthy body and mind.

27. concept of oneness of humanity, we are NOT separate.

28. If you are unhappy, it is hard to develop compassion and/or love.

29. Generally, there is too much competition.

30. Change of attitude & general distrust through education

Friday, May 6, 2016

War - You're too close to see...Back up...

While my classmates slept, and dozed off, I was wide awake at 7:15am, listening to a former US Government Attorney, now retired, talking about history, and the relevance of war. This man, tall, old and wise as a tree, stood there and incorporated law with history to show their connection and how they work hand in hand. This was one of the only subjects that kept me awake in college, world history. Speaking of which, I realize I've been carrying around a notebook I had in college and its amazing to look at the notes I took and still have.

There are people out there who will see the potential in others, and have the wisdom enough to only show us the light and allow us to make our own choice and effort to go for what we believe in. Now, I'm sure many people I attended college with could give a hoot about world history and random facts about each war, and the governments that perpetrated them. Yet, this is the only event that truly changes our way of life…Lets examine this.

If there are no wars, everything stays the same, yet technology and information keeps piling up, growing and changing, yet the environment, buildings, etc. stays the same… The only way for real change, on a massive scale to occur, especially in a down economy is war, or the dismantling of the current way of life, rules of life and collective effort of the people in that nation. Now looking at the previous options, which would you think is more viable for a government?

War is the easiest thing to choose, for it simply requires that government officials leave the land being destroyed, or go into hiding underground, and return once it is all over. The front is always an attack, religion, hate, or some other negative propaganda being perpetrated through the media.

War also has its benefits, the military, long trained and awaiting blood and destruction based on their objectives, are ready to be deployed to “fight for freedom”. Companies that manufacture weapons and gear for war can now hire thousands of employees, sales of food will go through the roof as the anticipation of famine and lack of food will drive fear into everyone. While all this ensues, the government body is fully protected, and have a supply of food and energy to last years at minimum. Their own private army protects them in a secure location. This is the same for owners of large corporations making hundreds of thousands to millions per year.

Once the war is over, talks of victory and rebuilding comes into play. New technologies are secured into the infrastructure of the new buildings and homes. The population is usually decimated, so people are encouraged to start families and have babies. New companies are built and people go back to work. New laws are passed and more restriction on free will are suppressed under the guise of security and protection for all.

Another 50 or 100 years later, the cycle is at its peak, and a new nation gets ready for the same process of elimination and re-creation.

Yet,…Where is the voice of the people in all this? Why is it that the people have no say, or power to stop wars and deaths of millions of people?

It all starts with distraction and illusion. People have a traditional belief in the voting system. No longer are we working as a collective body within specific areas with complete control on how our society is run. We now give our power to the seemingly more educated and apt individuals who promise freedom and security while they implement more and more restrictions, taxes, tolls, raise prices, etc. Inevitably taking away our real assets, our attention and time.

Is this uncommon thinking? You would be surprised to know that every single state in the united states have filed petitions to secede or be removed from the collective “United States” as a lower government ruled body. Check out these news articles about the subject.
You can also find many other articles on google about the same subject:

It is simply not an attractive deal anymore to be controlled by one central government. Many people have different values, lifestyle habits, needs, wants, and outlook on life in general. Even though some things may be allowed in some states, a larger governmental (supreme court ruling), may override that state’s power with an absolute rule. Big brother anyone?

Until the collective is ripped apart and then powered by the people who are apart of their own area, we will continue to have wars, conflicts and destruction to keep those in power and those without, suffer.