Love...What is it? How did we discover it? What can it really do? Why should I even care? Can I love someone and hate them later?
For everyone on this planet, love has its own meaning. For some it's physical, for some its emotional, and for others it may be spiritual (outside the body). So, lets examine all three and see if we can find an answer to this love question. However, before we try to define these question, it is important to familiarize one's self with a foundation prior to seeking something we think we are persuing.
Love itself, as described by just about everyone who's had an experience with the phenomenon, is a feeling inside. Warm, fuzzy, happy, overwhelming feeling of joy. This feeling, can be the result of a possession of a physical object, the characteristics of another human being, or the intelligence/consciousness of another being. When described this way, all three seem separate. However, all three brings one to a similar state of being...Love.
This feeling can last a short period of time, or may even span through lifetimes, according to various beliefs.
Now there are other aspects of the phenomenon called "Love" that is not widely publicized or known on a large scale. So lets explore this other side of a more scientific view of Love. However, before we continue, lets look at the changes in the levels of consciousness today, and 1000 years ago. Prior to the mechanical, industrial and technological age, truth was simple. A phrase, story or parable was enough to explain what we would need a book for in today's present day. There were still schools, scholars, languages and just about everything else in society 1000 years ago, the only things that changed are technology and the amount of information we ingest on a daily basis. Now, because we have been taught (develop habits), to read and memorize massive amounts of information, our brains are now wired to always handle and process this massive amount of information at any given time. Therefore, small bits of information are no longer processed in the same way, it is usually overlooked or disregarded without processing. Our attention spans are no longer fixed and focused, but rather a mechanical imitation of a modern day computer that requires stimuli to function.
So now that we have covered the basis of our demise in intellectual pursuits, we can now look at the scientific results of our expressions of love and its reverse emotion, hate, or lack of love. As you undoubtedly know, we now have a general lifespan of approximately 70-80 years. However plenty religious, scientific and other literature speak about times when people would live 300-900 years old. Can our thinking actually diminish our life expectancy? Lets take a look at some simple experiments.
It has been scientifically proven that the emotional projection of love, on rice, cooked or uncooked in water, can yield startling results. You may undertake the task yourself, and share your results like these people below have done. The experiment first took place in China, then duplicated all over the world with similar results, here are the links for your reference.
Experiment Example 1:
Experiment Example 2:
Experiment Example 3:
With each experiment, you will see that love, or even the words, "I love you" consistently sent to a specific item, can stabilize the lifespan of that item and keep it in healthy condition. However, if hate or no love is projected to an item, it deteriorates much quicker or even die and create harmful gases and/or chemicals.
Now, what if we develop a circle of love between a group of people and maintain a consistency? What exactly would happen over a hundred years? What if the entire population of the planet adopted this practice? Would we have a "Golden" planet?
There are even more startling experiments done on humans, and animals, which demonstrate healing properties. Here's one live video of a healing experiment showing the removal of bladder cancer:
Now, at this point, I will explain that thought alone, does nothing. It would be as useless as noticing that the sky is cloudy, or its sunny outside. What really makes the difference is the "Feeling" one has inside, in conjunction with the thought, and the expansion or prolonging of that feeling, and ones' ability to intensify that feeling as desired. I wrote a paper called "Emotional Power Projection" describing a technique I used and experimented with for a while. Earlier this year, a friend of mine introduced me to a book called "Breaking the habit of being yourself". It explains in simple detail how our brains, minds and emotions work, essentially the same thing I wrote back in 2009.
I can only tell from experience, that when you realize the power of your thoughts and emotions (knowing), you are more careful about what you entertain. Ignorance can be a protective barrier for one's own protection, for misuse of things with little knowledge can cause devastating distruction. This is why literary centers, temples and places of learning was first consctructed. These institutions created learning levels so that those who wish raise their consciousness would go through the proper steps of preparation before being entrusted with knowledge that can be used for good or destruction. The same way one with knowledge of a knife would not give it to a baby, the same with those with knowledge would not give it to someone who would not be cautious with its use.
In returning back to the subject of love...If you assist someone in any way, without expecting anything in return, even if that person thought of you in a negative way before, they can no longer maintain that mindset. All that can be thought of you is good thoughts, and we now know that emotions play a role in thoughts. So now, you have a great stream of positive energy flowing back to you. Now think about this, if you assisted, 100 people and whenever they though of you, only good thoughts and emotions are sent out into the field of consciousness and enhances your energy field...ever seen those people who get to live to a hundred or more years old?
If you took the time to read and interact with this note, I hope you will now see the power of love in a new light, and change your own way of thinking and feeling.
With Love
For everyone on this planet, love has its own meaning. For some it's physical, for some its emotional, and for others it may be spiritual (outside the body). So, lets examine all three and see if we can find an answer to this love question. However, before we try to define these question, it is important to familiarize one's self with a foundation prior to seeking something we think we are persuing.
Love itself, as described by just about everyone who's had an experience with the phenomenon, is a feeling inside. Warm, fuzzy, happy, overwhelming feeling of joy. This feeling, can be the result of a possession of a physical object, the characteristics of another human being, or the intelligence/consciousness of another being. When described this way, all three seem separate. However, all three brings one to a similar state of being...Love.
This feeling can last a short period of time, or may even span through lifetimes, according to various beliefs.
Now there are other aspects of the phenomenon called "Love" that is not widely publicized or known on a large scale. So lets explore this other side of a more scientific view of Love. However, before we continue, lets look at the changes in the levels of consciousness today, and 1000 years ago. Prior to the mechanical, industrial and technological age, truth was simple. A phrase, story or parable was enough to explain what we would need a book for in today's present day. There were still schools, scholars, languages and just about everything else in society 1000 years ago, the only things that changed are technology and the amount of information we ingest on a daily basis. Now, because we have been taught (develop habits), to read and memorize massive amounts of information, our brains are now wired to always handle and process this massive amount of information at any given time. Therefore, small bits of information are no longer processed in the same way, it is usually overlooked or disregarded without processing. Our attention spans are no longer fixed and focused, but rather a mechanical imitation of a modern day computer that requires stimuli to function.
So now that we have covered the basis of our demise in intellectual pursuits, we can now look at the scientific results of our expressions of love and its reverse emotion, hate, or lack of love. As you undoubtedly know, we now have a general lifespan of approximately 70-80 years. However plenty religious, scientific and other literature speak about times when people would live 300-900 years old. Can our thinking actually diminish our life expectancy? Lets take a look at some simple experiments.
It has been scientifically proven that the emotional projection of love, on rice, cooked or uncooked in water, can yield startling results. You may undertake the task yourself, and share your results like these people below have done. The experiment first took place in China, then duplicated all over the world with similar results, here are the links for your reference.
Experiment Example 1:
Experiment Example 2:
Experiment Example 3:
With each experiment, you will see that love, or even the words, "I love you" consistently sent to a specific item, can stabilize the lifespan of that item and keep it in healthy condition. However, if hate or no love is projected to an item, it deteriorates much quicker or even die and create harmful gases and/or chemicals.
Now, what if we develop a circle of love between a group of people and maintain a consistency? What exactly would happen over a hundred years? What if the entire population of the planet adopted this practice? Would we have a "Golden" planet?
There are even more startling experiments done on humans, and animals, which demonstrate healing properties. Here's one live video of a healing experiment showing the removal of bladder cancer:
Now, at this point, I will explain that thought alone, does nothing. It would be as useless as noticing that the sky is cloudy, or its sunny outside. What really makes the difference is the "Feeling" one has inside, in conjunction with the thought, and the expansion or prolonging of that feeling, and ones' ability to intensify that feeling as desired. I wrote a paper called "Emotional Power Projection" describing a technique I used and experimented with for a while. Earlier this year, a friend of mine introduced me to a book called "Breaking the habit of being yourself". It explains in simple detail how our brains, minds and emotions work, essentially the same thing I wrote back in 2009.
I can only tell from experience, that when you realize the power of your thoughts and emotions (knowing), you are more careful about what you entertain. Ignorance can be a protective barrier for one's own protection, for misuse of things with little knowledge can cause devastating distruction. This is why literary centers, temples and places of learning was first consctructed. These institutions created learning levels so that those who wish raise their consciousness would go through the proper steps of preparation before being entrusted with knowledge that can be used for good or destruction. The same way one with knowledge of a knife would not give it to a baby, the same with those with knowledge would not give it to someone who would not be cautious with its use.
In returning back to the subject of love...If you assist someone in any way, without expecting anything in return, even if that person thought of you in a negative way before, they can no longer maintain that mindset. All that can be thought of you is good thoughts, and we now know that emotions play a role in thoughts. So now, you have a great stream of positive energy flowing back to you. Now think about this, if you assisted, 100 people and whenever they though of you, only good thoughts and emotions are sent out into the field of consciousness and enhances your energy field...ever seen those people who get to live to a hundred or more years old?
If you took the time to read and interact with this note, I hope you will now see the power of love in a new light, and change your own way of thinking and feeling.
With Love