The title belongs to a video that shocked me about 10 years ago. Now it is available on YouTube by simply doing a google search.
Back in 2003, telling someone that HIV does NOT cause aids would be like telling someone the sun is purple outside. The assumption was that the government was telling the truth, the media was honest, and physicians were diagnosing this "disease" properly.
I was so excited, I found a way to put this video on DVD and gave it to a few people I know to see the reaction I would get. More amazingly, was the responses I got back, and trust me, its not what you'd think. This one event alone, over a period of 2 months, taught me very important life lessons I am humbled by to this very day. Never offer "Help", especially when not requested. No one wants information unless they are curious enough to seek it out. I gave a business owner who did my taxes a copy of the DVD and asked him to please watch it and give me his opinion when he has completed it.
A few weeks later, the man returned the DVD to me and said he didn't believe what's on the video, and it seem like a hoax. He said he didn't want it or need to watch anymore of it. He simply watched a few minutes, if that, and took it out... Other people I gave the DVD didn't even watch it, and I was just amazed that the title did not even spark curiosity as to why I was so excited. I realize they might have thought the dvd was a bunch of news stories, some crackpot claiming something or just an uninteresting topic. What was missing? What's wrong with the world?
I began to personally research the claims of the scientists on the video, and was simply amazed at all the facts that are readily available for anyone to see for themselves. I came to the realization that people are lazy by nature. People also trust in a government, and their media as they believe these sources are producing the truth. Little do they know that these very institutions have put structures in place to exploit this belief and reap extraordinary rewards doing so.
So that was it for my little experiment. I proved later on that people can literally sit on a gold mine and not know it exists for the simple fact of lack of curiosity.
Why am I posting this note?
For those who have eyes to see, fingers to type and cognition to understand, I hereby place the tools to see the truth for yourself. The information presented are facts, supported by evidence (links), therefore one can do their own research and come to their own conclusions.
HIV does NOT cause aids. Why? Watch the video above for the most extensive explanation.
What is HIV? This is a "carrier" virus and does no actual damage to cells.
What is AIDS? This is a manufactured biological weapon to reduce the population of the planet as well as capitalize on the pharmaceutical industry.
Ask yourself this question, if HIV causes Aids, like a knife can cut someone causing a wound, why isn't there a test for "AIDS" rather than a test for HIV, like one would not look for a knife, but rather look at the severity of the wound?
The major controversy about AIDS, the end product of what is purported to have come from an HIV infection is simple. All viruses are the product of mutation. As a result, one can pinpoint the cause of the virus and find a cure. However, AIDS in its final form is not derived from anything, even in lab tests, HIV does NOT mutate and form into anything. Therefore, how can it cause AIDS? It simply does not. AIDS is manufactured (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amXSy7ZDhsI and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg-52mHIjhs).
There is also the issue of false positives. Yes that's right, and there is an abundance of evidence to support this claim. In third world countries this epidemic of false positives is extremely exaggerated. There are people who have gone to countries and video tape evidence of others giving prognosis and decisions from asking a few questions, no tests, etc. This now causes a world living on the fringe of “fear”. The use of condoms skyrockets every year. In the early 90’s to early 2000’s, it was common thought and preaching that one cannot get HIV from kissing. So if that’s true, why is there now a swab test for the saliva in your mouth?
HIV Essays 101 – What the “HIV Experts” Don’t Want You To Know
HIV Tests are the biggest scam
Fischer: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS
10 Scientific Arguments Why HIV can NOT cause AIDS
HIV does not cause aids AZT does
The Lethal Effects of AZT
AIDS is a hoax! Black people don’t have AIDS biologist
AZT Part 1
Hope this sheds some light on this rarely researched topic.
Leon F. Benjamin

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