Many people are surprised, some are scared, and some are just giving their attention to the latest news about the uproar, revolution and successful movement to push the ruling dictator out of power in Egypt. However, the most important fact, is that most people truly do not know how significant this is or how it truly happened.
Lets take this apart in large chunks, as dissection by tiny parts will render any reader bored and tired of reading. The first thing is to understand that this is a very old empire. It is still one of the oldest settled civilizations on the planet, next to Iraq and other middle eastern countries. The country itself is a mix of largely poor and a small percentage consisting of middle class, to very few wealthy.
I do have some experience with the culture of Egypt. During my trip there in November 2010, I realized that the food, culture and people are much like that of my homeland, Jamaica, West Indies. As far as the culture, I was surprised that they were able to make our world famous Jerk Chicken, Jerk Pork, Curry Chicken and many other foods only local to Jamaica and is actually a signature food recognized by many people. The one difference I see is that the Egyptian people in Cairo and Alexandria are not as bold as someone in Jamaica. This I do understand, is a result of the cultural upbringing.
Now we can look at how this revolution was possible. The first thing is that people in Egypt are more community based, rather than in America where no one really knows anyone around them within a 2 mile radius. If someone is mistreated and others can relate to that person, the word can quickly spread to many villages, towns and cities quickly. These people share information, hardships and many other common issues. This is called a "Group Mind".
Now lets go to the internet for a minute. Last December W!kileaks revealed documents that showed how their government is corrupted and carried out secret dealings as well as other illegal acts.
Being that this is not a predominantly rich or middle class nation, they are not particularly affected by the media such as television and radio broadcasts, as it affects people in more developed nations. This is a great benefit when it comes to taking action. Why? because you do not have the news telling you one thing all the time making you believe it. You are able to think and articulate for yourself any information presented to you. Furthermore, considering that this is one of the world's richest tourist nations, and the people are living in poverty, that is more than enough to demand change.
The shock to people around the world is that they have forgotten that "We The People" are the ones that put governments and dictators into power. "We the People" are the ones who put governments in power and give them the iron fist to rule with "JUSTICE". So if "We the People" decide that the government is not working in their best interest, then "We the People" can demand that this leader and his regime/cabinet/office holders, step down immediately. If "We the People" stick together and do something like marching, stopping services, and proceed towards government location and keep proceeding ahead seriously, then the government have no choice but to step down. If the military strikes back, then the people will be more than willing to destroy both the military and the government in one shot. The military of any country is never as strong as the combined force of its people. Furthermore, when a government turns on its own people, then it is no longer a government, it is now a threat to the livelihood of the source of its power, and must end in extermination.
So when "We the People" have combined the group minds of all the other smaller groups of "We the People" into one large "We the people", not only does it become an unstoppable force, but in neighboring nation countries, this very powerful togetherness will spread and even more nations will see the fall of oppressive governments.
Look up the 100 Monkey Theory for more information on why governments try to discredit the findings.
Check out news from close countries to Egypt, you will realize they are also marching and protesting:
When a large mass of people come together with one goal in mind, there is NOTHING that can stop them, except an atomic bomb or war declared by the government upon its people.
The only problem is that Egypt is not a very intelligent nation overall, so the proposed leaders that will run for office may not be in the best interest of the people, but never the less, will be better than the initial government that was overthrown.
If the people demand, the people will get, unquestionably!

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