It seems some people do not realize the basic powers and downfalls of their own mind as well as the minds of others around them. You always have a choice, whether it is to get out of bed, take a shower in the morning, brush your teeth, or go to school or work on any given day. No one can truly force you to do something, unless they take you or your body parts and do it themselves, you always have a choice to say yes or no, or to do or not to do something.
The same concept goes for the mind, it can be malleable or docile, made to hate or love, be happy or sad (in conjunction with your "Heart Brain"). There are thousands of both beautiful and not so beautiful women (and men) who suffer from the mental abuse and verbal humiliation of their partners. Most from the outside will always say "Well why don't you leave him/her, stand up for yourself, fight, you can always find a better man/woman" yet they can never truly understand why these people stay in dead end relationships.
Without knowing the working principles that govern the human mind, people on the outside will always have suggestions and sometimes positive ways one can get out of a situation, however, it is never that simple. Verbal attacks on someone is like planes bombing an unarmed village, not much they can do to fight back at the moment. However, there is always a solution to a problem, and it takes the person in the situation to find that solution and make the decision to empower and better themselves.
Someone under verbal and mental attacks did not just jump into such a situation; it took gradual submission and acceptance of the situation surrounding them. Over time, the self esteem, drive, stimulation, independence and power of that person is stripped away little by little until there is little or none left to use effectively. The mind is mended into believing what the attacker is saying, because we always "Learn" by repetition, whether it is good or not for us, we still learn by repetition.
So, in the case of a woman being verbally abused by a man, she will eventually believe what this man is telling her. For example, if a man is telling her "Look at you, you're a fat pig, if you ever left here nobody would want you". Even if this woman is skinny, the mind is so powerfully stricken and bent; that it will believe this lie, and act accordingly, which in this situation would be for the woman to remain where she is, because it is better than being alone. This woman will become self conscious and afraid of men looking at her, because she believes they are thinking she is fat and possibly ugly, even if she is gorgeous. The same goes for men, no matter how strong they may look on the outside, we are all vulnerable to this, if and only if we allow ourselves to be taught these things by others.
So next time you see someone who is abused and in a situation that is seemingly unbearable, just remember that it is not you who needs to believe that it is bad for their mental and physical health, it is the person in the situation that needs to see what it is doing to them. It is that person in the situation that needs to want a change and make a plan to achieving that gradual change. Understanding a problem is the first step to creating a solution. No one can make choices for us, no matter how it may seem like this in some situations; it is always us that must make the decisions affecting us. We can always accept, reject, do or don't, for anything that requires our input or action.
More often than not, people who insult or degrade others have insecurity issues as well. They use their demanding and often demeaning attitude to intimidate others so they can have someone to prey on when they are not feeling up to snuff, or to get a "high". Someone with a strong mental foundation do not need others to be their doormat or insult rag, they will have already have in their possession, the drive, intelligence and articulation needed to proceed and complete any goal, or overcome any challenge ahead.
Either way, it is an issue whether you are the protagonist or the victim...
Friday, July 29, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
Egypt and Revolution...The Rise of We The People...
Many people are surprised, some are scared, and some are just giving their attention to the latest news about the uproar, revolution and successful movement to push the ruling dictator out of power in Egypt. However, the most important fact, is that most people truly do not know how significant this is or how it truly happened.
Lets take this apart in large chunks, as dissection by tiny parts will render any reader bored and tired of reading. The first thing is to understand that this is a very old empire. It is still one of the oldest settled civilizations on the planet, next to Iraq and other middle eastern countries. The country itself is a mix of largely poor and a small percentage consisting of middle class, to very few wealthy.
I do have some experience with the culture of Egypt. During my trip there in November 2010, I realized that the food, culture and people are much like that of my homeland, Jamaica, West Indies. As far as the culture, I was surprised that they were able to make our world famous Jerk Chicken, Jerk Pork, Curry Chicken and many other foods only local to Jamaica and is actually a signature food recognized by many people. The one difference I see is that the Egyptian people in Cairo and Alexandria are not as bold as someone in Jamaica. This I do understand, is a result of the cultural upbringing.
Now we can look at how this revolution was possible. The first thing is that people in Egypt are more community based, rather than in America where no one really knows anyone around them within a 2 mile radius. If someone is mistreated and others can relate to that person, the word can quickly spread to many villages, towns and cities quickly. These people share information, hardships and many other common issues. This is called a "Group Mind".
Now lets go to the internet for a minute. Last December W!kileaks revealed documents that showed how their government is corrupted and carried out secret dealings as well as other illegal acts.
Being that this is not a predominantly rich or middle class nation, they are not particularly affected by the media such as television and radio broadcasts, as it affects people in more developed nations. This is a great benefit when it comes to taking action. Why? because you do not have the news telling you one thing all the time making you believe it. You are able to think and articulate for yourself any information presented to you. Furthermore, considering that this is one of the world's richest tourist nations, and the people are living in poverty, that is more than enough to demand change.
The shock to people around the world is that they have forgotten that "We The People" are the ones that put governments and dictators into power. "We the People" are the ones who put governments in power and give them the iron fist to rule with "JUSTICE". So if "We the People" decide that the government is not working in their best interest, then "We the People" can demand that this leader and his regime/cabinet/office holders, step down immediately. If "We the People" stick together and do something like marching, stopping services, and proceed towards government location and keep proceeding ahead seriously, then the government have no choice but to step down. If the military strikes back, then the people will be more than willing to destroy both the military and the government in one shot. The military of any country is never as strong as the combined force of its people. Furthermore, when a government turns on its own people, then it is no longer a government, it is now a threat to the livelihood of the source of its power, and must end in extermination.
So when "We the People" have combined the group minds of all the other smaller groups of "We the People" into one large "We the people", not only does it become an unstoppable force, but in neighboring nation countries, this very powerful togetherness will spread and even more nations will see the fall of oppressive governments.
Look up the 100 Monkey Theory for more information on why governments try to discredit the findings.
Check out news from close countries to Egypt, you will realize they are also marching and protesting:
When a large mass of people come together with one goal in mind, there is NOTHING that can stop them, except an atomic bomb or war declared by the government upon its people.
The only problem is that Egypt is not a very intelligent nation overall, so the proposed leaders that will run for office may not be in the best interest of the people, but never the less, will be better than the initial government that was overthrown.
If the people demand, the people will get, unquestionably!
Friday, July 8, 2016
Time is our friend...
If I told you that time was not real, the first thing you would probably say or think is that I'm losing it. Everyone follows this "assumed" notion that time exists and collaboratively plan and do everything around this imagination. You are now probably wondering what I'm talking about. So, let me give you a simple example.
If you were given sleeping gas, and when you awoke, you were on a remote island with other people who seemingly were gassed as well, the first thing you would want to check is if anyone remembered anything, what day and time it is. As time went by, you would wonder where you are, if you will ever return to a larger civilization, and whether you will die on the island. later on, you will stop thinking about where you are and worry about surviving, and there will be someone who is always marking off the days they have been there. Soon later, no one cares for time because you have nothing to reference time to, no deadlines to meet, no place to truly go, apart from the places you have built to survive and to interact with the people who are there with you in a peaceful manner.
Now some may not agree with the above statement, and I totally agree with you, because not everyone's brain is wired the same way. You will find objections to some points, yet you cannot truly not see the scenario as valid, and some of us just do not have the imaginative power required to see the above example.
The point above demonstrates that sooner or later, all we truly will care about is living and interacting with one another again. Time is an illusion, and we were given these borders of perception to keep us from thinking outside our little bubble. We know that previous to reading this note, we were not thinking about this scenario or time itself (or coincidentally some may have). We know that we thought about something a short while ago, we know we are reading now, and we know we will get up and go to bed soon. These are things we know from experience, not because time is moving, but rather that we are experiencing further our ability to know more, experience more, and through all these, gain wisdom with which to predict and make the future.
Those who have hears, let them hear, those who have eyes, let them see.
So simple, yet so hard to digest and make into action such brilliance.
Leon F. B.
If you were given sleeping gas, and when you awoke, you were on a remote island with other people who seemingly were gassed as well, the first thing you would want to check is if anyone remembered anything, what day and time it is. As time went by, you would wonder where you are, if you will ever return to a larger civilization, and whether you will die on the island. later on, you will stop thinking about where you are and worry about surviving, and there will be someone who is always marking off the days they have been there. Soon later, no one cares for time because you have nothing to reference time to, no deadlines to meet, no place to truly go, apart from the places you have built to survive and to interact with the people who are there with you in a peaceful manner.
Now some may not agree with the above statement, and I totally agree with you, because not everyone's brain is wired the same way. You will find objections to some points, yet you cannot truly not see the scenario as valid, and some of us just do not have the imaginative power required to see the above example.
The point above demonstrates that sooner or later, all we truly will care about is living and interacting with one another again. Time is an illusion, and we were given these borders of perception to keep us from thinking outside our little bubble. We know that previous to reading this note, we were not thinking about this scenario or time itself (or coincidentally some may have). We know that we thought about something a short while ago, we know we are reading now, and we know we will get up and go to bed soon. These are things we know from experience, not because time is moving, but rather that we are experiencing further our ability to know more, experience more, and through all these, gain wisdom with which to predict and make the future.
Those who have hears, let them hear, those who have eyes, let them see.
So simple, yet so hard to digest and make into action such brilliance.
Leon F. B.
Friday, July 1, 2016
The Truth is The Only Constant!
From my own experience, insight and understanding of life and the different connecting points that we call our "days" and "Years", it is no secret that the truth is absolute. Just as we know that an orange can never be blue, unless genetically altered, in which case, it is now a questionable fruit. The truth cannot be anything else, it is what it is, a constant within a changing realm.
When we are young, most of us come across the fact that we can tell a "lie" in order to substitute the satisfaction of a good outcome from a cornered situation, such as the situation of taking candy from a store, and eating it before getting caught, and say you never took it. The evidence will be on your tongue, as all candies usually have a color that is left on your tongue for a few hours. As we evolve, and we increasingly become more aware of situations, our mind is more equip to handle more complex "lies". However, this creates an unseen problem for most. As the mind grows, it retains a memory bank, regardless of whether the experience is true or a lie. For a person who is a Chronic Liar, the truth and the "Lie" become intermingled and soon become a working part of the person's brain. No matter how simple a situation is, if that person's mind thinks there is any threat at all, of an uncomfortable outcome, a lie is immediately created to patch that outcome so the odds of a favorable outcome is now increased. The problem is that now there is a corrupted memory bank that serves as a reference point for future analysis of situations, environments, conversations and memory.
We all heard of the saying at some point "You must bend when it is young", and although it slips past many of us, it is a very profound statement. Because if this "negative energy" continues throughout a young person's life into adulthood, that person will not be someone that many people will trust, or be relied on for anything. And in turn, will not have trustworthy friends to gain any additional knowledge or support from.
Why does this matter? Well, if you need some advice, or help, or support in a time of crisis, in need of help making a decision, need insight from a person not affected by a situation you are in, it will be very hard. Often times, just like giving someone a paper you have just written, to look it over, they will find errors that you cannot see, because you are "in" the paper and cannot look from outside unless you put that paper down and re-read it some days later, and even then, you will miss some errors.
Be true to yourself, and make strong your decisions, for no matter how far you run, or how deep you hide, there are lessons in life that we cannot avoid, we must learn them and advance to another stage in our personal evolution. When we face a situation such as punishment or embarrassment, it is a lesson in itself that if not learned, will repeat itself as many times as necessary until you "get it" and evolve. So the next time you think about lying to avoid an argument, avoid an uncomfortable outcome or decision, just remember that it is only for the better of your entire being, that you face your fears, adversaries and situations in order to become a better, stronger, person, spirit and essence of humanity.
Leon F. B.
When we are young, most of us come across the fact that we can tell a "lie" in order to substitute the satisfaction of a good outcome from a cornered situation, such as the situation of taking candy from a store, and eating it before getting caught, and say you never took it. The evidence will be on your tongue, as all candies usually have a color that is left on your tongue for a few hours. As we evolve, and we increasingly become more aware of situations, our mind is more equip to handle more complex "lies". However, this creates an unseen problem for most. As the mind grows, it retains a memory bank, regardless of whether the experience is true or a lie. For a person who is a Chronic Liar, the truth and the "Lie" become intermingled and soon become a working part of the person's brain. No matter how simple a situation is, if that person's mind thinks there is any threat at all, of an uncomfortable outcome, a lie is immediately created to patch that outcome so the odds of a favorable outcome is now increased. The problem is that now there is a corrupted memory bank that serves as a reference point for future analysis of situations, environments, conversations and memory.
We all heard of the saying at some point "You must bend when it is young", and although it slips past many of us, it is a very profound statement. Because if this "negative energy" continues throughout a young person's life into adulthood, that person will not be someone that many people will trust, or be relied on for anything. And in turn, will not have trustworthy friends to gain any additional knowledge or support from.
Why does this matter? Well, if you need some advice, or help, or support in a time of crisis, in need of help making a decision, need insight from a person not affected by a situation you are in, it will be very hard. Often times, just like giving someone a paper you have just written, to look it over, they will find errors that you cannot see, because you are "in" the paper and cannot look from outside unless you put that paper down and re-read it some days later, and even then, you will miss some errors.
Be true to yourself, and make strong your decisions, for no matter how far you run, or how deep you hide, there are lessons in life that we cannot avoid, we must learn them and advance to another stage in our personal evolution. When we face a situation such as punishment or embarrassment, it is a lesson in itself that if not learned, will repeat itself as many times as necessary until you "get it" and evolve. So the next time you think about lying to avoid an argument, avoid an uncomfortable outcome or decision, just remember that it is only for the better of your entire being, that you face your fears, adversaries and situations in order to become a better, stronger, person, spirit and essence of humanity.
Leon F. B.
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