A few days ago, I got into a conversation leading to a man running to his car to grab his bible. I was telling my dad how amazed I was at the amount of knowledge that is in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. A friend of his was sitting in the same area and proceeded to tell me about how the bible is racist, an advocate of slavery and demeaning. So I proceeded to ask him to be specific with these claims and maybe I can better understand what his point is. I thought he left, then I saw him storming back inside saying "Read This!", handing his bible to me opened to Exodus. The scripture is as follows:
Exodus 21:19-21 of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible
19 If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.
20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.
I asked him, "Where in this section does it say Slave?" and he proceeded to say that "servant" is the same as slave. At this point, I was very much compelled to end the conversation, for this type of ignorance is what my previous mentors warned about. There's a saying that goes, "Never argue with an idiot, for they will drag you down and beat you with experience". And I truly felt this was one battle not worth engaging. Non-the-less, I decided to see if there's anything to be learnt from this bickering. So I replied, "Do you have a dictionary with you as well"? And he replied "no". So I proceeded to explain that a "Servant" is simply an employee, someone who gets paid to work for you, like a butler. A slave however is treated in a manner like property or animals. (NOTE: In the modified versions of the bible, like "New International Version or NIV" will change words around to mean something else. So they will deliberately change servant to say "slave", when in fact this is not true). And without acknowledgement of these facts, he proceeded to talk about the "Annunaki", thinking that maybe I never heard of them. I replied, "In fact, I read about 7 or so books on the tablets that were found and translated by Zachariah Sitchen back in the 80's and know very much about the Annunaki, and can say for a fact, that it is an evil deception".
Lost again, he proceeded to talk about the bible once more, about another scarce topic that many people never heard of, who was the first wife of Adam called "Lilith". I proceeded to ask him, "Apart from being a rebellious first wife, what do you know about the story of Lilith?" and he was again dumb found, turning back to the work of Zachariah Sitchen saying the aliens do a better job of explaining historical events on earth. At this point, I proceeded to explain a few things. It is embarrassing to walk around with pieces of incomplete information touting a single point. The saying still goes "If you want to hide anything for the masses (or black people) put it in a book". If you pick a paragraph from a book and make a conjecture or decision based on that one paragraph, all you're doing is creating and perpetrating a lie to yourself and those listening to you. No matter how important that paragraph is, the entire literature is necessary to understand what was written. (1) This man did not read through the bible to come to his conclusion, for he would understand why nations were destroyed and some taken as slaves (rather than servants). (2) This man did not read through Zachariah Sitchen's books to understand the full story of what was written. (3) This man is walking around angry and aggressive to others who have not read the books he throws at them to prove his point, so up to now, he thought he was propagating truth and "saving" people from a tyrannical "God" who loves slavery and war.
Slavery is actually mentioned in the bible, however not in the terms we use today. Leviticus 25 verse 44 that:
"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids."
Bondman: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bondman
Bondwoman: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Bondwoman?s=t
This means that we may enslave other nations that are heathens, who serve false gods and devils.
First, I will get to the point, so called ancient tablets containing alternate histories of time, space, god(s), devil(s), dimensions, universes are all evil and deceptive, in my own opinion. Now for the grounds for this conclusion. It would make no sense for a civilization, advanced or behind, to come to our planet, seeking "gold" to fix their atmosphere and not leave at least a species trace or actual communication ability to reach them at the time or sometime in the future. Secondly, despite what you may have seen on a solar system chart, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get through the asteroid belt. For the asteroid belt is actually all around our solar system, and not just moving circular. For if that was the case, of a circular solar system, we could simply go up or down and go wherever we or other beings want to go. Thirdly, we as humans do not have enough information to conclude, support or reject the idea that an entire planet can be controlled to actually fly or move through space by other beings. This is simply absurd in my opinion, for the simple fact that almost all biological life known to us still needs heat, radiation/information from the nearest star and water to survive. Fourthly, if "gold" was so precious, that another being desires it, why wouldn't it be available on another planet? If they got enough of it, why wouldn't they take more than enough just in case their "atmosphere" gets destroyed again? While we're at it, why not go through a wormhole and get here faster rather than trying to fly from the outer rim all the way through our solar system to get to our planet? If these beings were so advanced, it would seem quite ancient and backwards to do unnecessary things, waste time, and simply cause havoc everywhere they went.
Another part of this alleged ancient group of tablets talk about the creation of humans from what were considered "less evolved species". Using genetics, these alien beings allegedly created humans in their likeness. Why? Because their own kind was tired and weary from working in the hot, air deprived mines digging for gold. So they created humans to work for them, and procreate without much thought or requirement for liberty and other rights guaranteed to the Annunaki. So to do this, they purposefully eliminated parts of the chromosome and dna structure that contained certain information for evolution, since they claim they already modified our species thousands of years ahead. And lastly, they ruled, thousands of years, begot many half children, and established "kingship" on earth, so that a few could rule the multitude, before they left.
I truly feel sympathy and sorrow for people like these who walk around empty, and think they're filled with good and greatness. To what benefit is it to tell someone a truth if it is of no significance to that person? Is it not a waste of time to preach to the choir when no one's listening? Even worse, is it to preach something with passion when you haven't made it truth for yourself.
Here is someone who "Walked" the bible stories:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu5Pb1QS4t8
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvdO1evY06Q
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgal0eye_rc
Like I did when I studied the Egyptians a few years ago, I went to Egypt to see for myself. If you cannot prove to yourself that your belief is unshakable, maybe you should take some time to do some research and come to your own truth about what your life truly means to you, and what you're truly seeking to accomplish before you perish.
Why were nations destroyed and some taken as slaves?
1. Nations who serve idols (Graven Images), False Gods, etc. are seductive in nature. Believe it or not, if one does not have a solid foundational belief, respect and understanding of the one true and living father, these nations can lure in unsuspecting spectators to join in their worship rituals. I'll give an example. The worship of Ba'al Peor was considered one of the most detestable forms of worship and mentioned multiple times in the bible. Yet, many people do not even take the time to research and find out, what exactly these people were doing as worship. In the case of Ba'al Peor, this type of worship involved oral and anal sex, fecal matter play, public revealing and enticing usually by a female host.
Someone partially breakes it down here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6yjTBlrSiI&feature=youtu.be
Jewish Encyclopedia General Meaning: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/2246-baal-peor
More in depth information on Ba'al and Balam worship: http://thelatterdays.blogspot.com/2009/03/worship-of-baal-peor.html
Definition of Sodomy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy
2. So, as you can tell, if you're plugged into society, you will already know that much of society participates in this and many other types of worship in one form or another, and is ignorant to the fact that this is actually an act of worship to a false god. From Music Videos to books, this type of worship is encouraged, shown to anyone seeking alternative intimate activities and even used as a lure for children who know not what they do.
3. When a nation is destroyed, and for those who think the bible is a myth, here is one reference to the great ancient city of Mesopotamia which was destroyed by the army of the most high. (https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=mesopotamia&qs_version=KJV), and there are many more places that were destroyed and mentioned in the bible. As I was saying, when a nation is destroyed, and their people are taken as slaves, whatever the slaves knew, practiced, worshiped, or any other activities they used to do, can no longer be done. They must now do what they're told or they get punished. We can see this from our recent history of black slavery as well.
If the "Israelites" were so powerful and the most high walked with them, then why didn't they conquer all the "bad" nations?
1. The answer is the same from ancient times and is still true today. The 12 tribes of Judah and House of Israel have sinned, continue to sin, have no knowledge and know not that they sin, nor how to communicate with the most high. We have no spiritual or ancient knowledge, so we teach our children nothing spiritual or generational that involves the most high. And before your mind jumps and thinks "Jesus", I will direct you to Isaiah 43:11 - If you don't have a bible, you can read the verse here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+43:11&version=KJV
2. When we continuously commit sin (The heavenly father is slow to wrath), we continuously corrupt our lives, spirit and ultimately our soul. The heavenly father gives strict commandments and never deviates or gives exception to a law, rule or instruction. If you break a law, rule or instruction, then you will be punished, simple as that. When Israel and house of Judah conquered some nations, and were instructed to kill everyone and burn everything, because the children were not being taught why it is important to follow instruction, sometimes one would take a garment, a pot, or even a small wooden toy, and the presence of the most high would leave the entire nation. Why? because instructions are essential to any endeavor. By taking things, especially something you have no knowledge of, you do not understand the spiritual implications of that action. You do not know what has been done to that thing, nor what type of energy it holds. So the heavenly father would ask the leader of the nation to find and destroy the stolen item, and as for the person that took it, he/she shall be stoned to death, for he/she is corrupted and has disobeyed. If this latter act is not done by the nation, then the heavenly father will never return to that generation.
3. Because things have been added, removed, modified and spun around by authorities who print religious and biblical text, we can on longer rely solely on one source of information. Truthfully, some information is rightfully withheld, for it can cause dire havok, however, it can actually rein even greater havok in the hands of someone who has no prior knowledge of how and why things work a certain way.
4. If one has no knowledge, common sense alone will NOT help you. The poor and those in poverty have no knowledge, this is why they are at such low countinence. Deuteronomy 28 explains blessings and curses that come upon Israel and the house of Judah. And to make things clear, if one gains knowledge and turns away from his evil ways, blessings are almost immediate.
I can go on and on, but that's for you to pursue on your own, if you wish to learn more.
Exodus 21:19-21 of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible
19 If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.
20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.
I asked him, "Where in this section does it say Slave?" and he proceeded to say that "servant" is the same as slave. At this point, I was very much compelled to end the conversation, for this type of ignorance is what my previous mentors warned about. There's a saying that goes, "Never argue with an idiot, for they will drag you down and beat you with experience". And I truly felt this was one battle not worth engaging. Non-the-less, I decided to see if there's anything to be learnt from this bickering. So I replied, "Do you have a dictionary with you as well"? And he replied "no". So I proceeded to explain that a "Servant" is simply an employee, someone who gets paid to work for you, like a butler. A slave however is treated in a manner like property or animals. (NOTE: In the modified versions of the bible, like "New International Version or NIV" will change words around to mean something else. So they will deliberately change servant to say "slave", when in fact this is not true). And without acknowledgement of these facts, he proceeded to talk about the "Annunaki", thinking that maybe I never heard of them. I replied, "In fact, I read about 7 or so books on the tablets that were found and translated by Zachariah Sitchen back in the 80's and know very much about the Annunaki, and can say for a fact, that it is an evil deception".
Lost again, he proceeded to talk about the bible once more, about another scarce topic that many people never heard of, who was the first wife of Adam called "Lilith". I proceeded to ask him, "Apart from being a rebellious first wife, what do you know about the story of Lilith?" and he was again dumb found, turning back to the work of Zachariah Sitchen saying the aliens do a better job of explaining historical events on earth. At this point, I proceeded to explain a few things. It is embarrassing to walk around with pieces of incomplete information touting a single point. The saying still goes "If you want to hide anything for the masses (or black people) put it in a book". If you pick a paragraph from a book and make a conjecture or decision based on that one paragraph, all you're doing is creating and perpetrating a lie to yourself and those listening to you. No matter how important that paragraph is, the entire literature is necessary to understand what was written. (1) This man did not read through the bible to come to his conclusion, for he would understand why nations were destroyed and some taken as slaves (rather than servants). (2) This man did not read through Zachariah Sitchen's books to understand the full story of what was written. (3) This man is walking around angry and aggressive to others who have not read the books he throws at them to prove his point, so up to now, he thought he was propagating truth and "saving" people from a tyrannical "God" who loves slavery and war.
Slavery is actually mentioned in the bible, however not in the terms we use today. Leviticus 25 verse 44 that:
"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids."
Bondman: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bondman
Bondwoman: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Bondwoman?s=t
This means that we may enslave other nations that are heathens, who serve false gods and devils.
First, I will get to the point, so called ancient tablets containing alternate histories of time, space, god(s), devil(s), dimensions, universes are all evil and deceptive, in my own opinion. Now for the grounds for this conclusion. It would make no sense for a civilization, advanced or behind, to come to our planet, seeking "gold" to fix their atmosphere and not leave at least a species trace or actual communication ability to reach them at the time or sometime in the future. Secondly, despite what you may have seen on a solar system chart, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get through the asteroid belt. For the asteroid belt is actually all around our solar system, and not just moving circular. For if that was the case, of a circular solar system, we could simply go up or down and go wherever we or other beings want to go. Thirdly, we as humans do not have enough information to conclude, support or reject the idea that an entire planet can be controlled to actually fly or move through space by other beings. This is simply absurd in my opinion, for the simple fact that almost all biological life known to us still needs heat, radiation/information from the nearest star and water to survive. Fourthly, if "gold" was so precious, that another being desires it, why wouldn't it be available on another planet? If they got enough of it, why wouldn't they take more than enough just in case their "atmosphere" gets destroyed again? While we're at it, why not go through a wormhole and get here faster rather than trying to fly from the outer rim all the way through our solar system to get to our planet? If these beings were so advanced, it would seem quite ancient and backwards to do unnecessary things, waste time, and simply cause havoc everywhere they went.
Another part of this alleged ancient group of tablets talk about the creation of humans from what were considered "less evolved species". Using genetics, these alien beings allegedly created humans in their likeness. Why? Because their own kind was tired and weary from working in the hot, air deprived mines digging for gold. So they created humans to work for them, and procreate without much thought or requirement for liberty and other rights guaranteed to the Annunaki. So to do this, they purposefully eliminated parts of the chromosome and dna structure that contained certain information for evolution, since they claim they already modified our species thousands of years ahead. And lastly, they ruled, thousands of years, begot many half children, and established "kingship" on earth, so that a few could rule the multitude, before they left.
I truly feel sympathy and sorrow for people like these who walk around empty, and think they're filled with good and greatness. To what benefit is it to tell someone a truth if it is of no significance to that person? Is it not a waste of time to preach to the choir when no one's listening? Even worse, is it to preach something with passion when you haven't made it truth for yourself.
Here is someone who "Walked" the bible stories:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu5Pb1QS4t8
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvdO1evY06Q
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgal0eye_rc
Like I did when I studied the Egyptians a few years ago, I went to Egypt to see for myself. If you cannot prove to yourself that your belief is unshakable, maybe you should take some time to do some research and come to your own truth about what your life truly means to you, and what you're truly seeking to accomplish before you perish.
Why were nations destroyed and some taken as slaves?
1. Nations who serve idols (Graven Images), False Gods, etc. are seductive in nature. Believe it or not, if one does not have a solid foundational belief, respect and understanding of the one true and living father, these nations can lure in unsuspecting spectators to join in their worship rituals. I'll give an example. The worship of Ba'al Peor was considered one of the most detestable forms of worship and mentioned multiple times in the bible. Yet, many people do not even take the time to research and find out, what exactly these people were doing as worship. In the case of Ba'al Peor, this type of worship involved oral and anal sex, fecal matter play, public revealing and enticing usually by a female host.
Someone partially breakes it down here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6yjTBlrSiI&feature=youtu.be
Jewish Encyclopedia General Meaning: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/2246-baal-peor
More in depth information on Ba'al and Balam worship: http://thelatterdays.blogspot.com/2009/03/worship-of-baal-peor.html
Definition of Sodomy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy
2. So, as you can tell, if you're plugged into society, you will already know that much of society participates in this and many other types of worship in one form or another, and is ignorant to the fact that this is actually an act of worship to a false god. From Music Videos to books, this type of worship is encouraged, shown to anyone seeking alternative intimate activities and even used as a lure for children who know not what they do.
3. When a nation is destroyed, and for those who think the bible is a myth, here is one reference to the great ancient city of Mesopotamia which was destroyed by the army of the most high. (https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=mesopotamia&qs_version=KJV), and there are many more places that were destroyed and mentioned in the bible. As I was saying, when a nation is destroyed, and their people are taken as slaves, whatever the slaves knew, practiced, worshiped, or any other activities they used to do, can no longer be done. They must now do what they're told or they get punished. We can see this from our recent history of black slavery as well.
If the "Israelites" were so powerful and the most high walked with them, then why didn't they conquer all the "bad" nations?
1. The answer is the same from ancient times and is still true today. The 12 tribes of Judah and House of Israel have sinned, continue to sin, have no knowledge and know not that they sin, nor how to communicate with the most high. We have no spiritual or ancient knowledge, so we teach our children nothing spiritual or generational that involves the most high. And before your mind jumps and thinks "Jesus", I will direct you to Isaiah 43:11 - If you don't have a bible, you can read the verse here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+43:11&version=KJV
2. When we continuously commit sin (The heavenly father is slow to wrath), we continuously corrupt our lives, spirit and ultimately our soul. The heavenly father gives strict commandments and never deviates or gives exception to a law, rule or instruction. If you break a law, rule or instruction, then you will be punished, simple as that. When Israel and house of Judah conquered some nations, and were instructed to kill everyone and burn everything, because the children were not being taught why it is important to follow instruction, sometimes one would take a garment, a pot, or even a small wooden toy, and the presence of the most high would leave the entire nation. Why? because instructions are essential to any endeavor. By taking things, especially something you have no knowledge of, you do not understand the spiritual implications of that action. You do not know what has been done to that thing, nor what type of energy it holds. So the heavenly father would ask the leader of the nation to find and destroy the stolen item, and as for the person that took it, he/she shall be stoned to death, for he/she is corrupted and has disobeyed. If this latter act is not done by the nation, then the heavenly father will never return to that generation.
3. Because things have been added, removed, modified and spun around by authorities who print religious and biblical text, we can on longer rely solely on one source of information. Truthfully, some information is rightfully withheld, for it can cause dire havok, however, it can actually rein even greater havok in the hands of someone who has no prior knowledge of how and why things work a certain way.
4. If one has no knowledge, common sense alone will NOT help you. The poor and those in poverty have no knowledge, this is why they are at such low countinence. Deuteronomy 28 explains blessings and curses that come upon Israel and the house of Judah. And to make things clear, if one gains knowledge and turns away from his evil ways, blessings are almost immediate.
I can go on and on, but that's for you to pursue on your own, if you wish to learn more.