Before you invite another person into your life, it Often times, we meet someone nice and take it from Outgoing Its good to think of places you like to go, like If you have a temper or have extreme patience, you
It is important that you again, clear up the Be Honest This is the most common problem for both genders. Respect By virtue, well mannered people admire people who
Another very important thing to do is make a Compromising Equally important is the principle of give and take
Communication is one of the most important factor Affection It is important to understand what attracts your Love Love for most people, at least most that I have I dated a fellow Gemini in college, we dated for Growing up, I heard about infatuation, and the |
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Partners Now or Partners For Life?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Short Story - The Thoughts That Bind
I have decided to continue the story to completion.
Feel free to leave comments.
Leon B.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What is a Government? Why you should know...
1. Wikipedia Definition:
Government is defined as the body within an organization that has authority and function to make and the power to enforce laws, regulations, or rules. Typically, government refers to a civil government -- local, provincial, or national. However, commercial, academic, religious, or other formal organizations are also governed by internal bodies. Such bodies may be called boards of directors, managers, or governors or they may be known as the administration (as in schools) or councils of elders (as in churches).
Growth of an organization increases the complexity of its government, therefore small towns or small-to-medium privately-operated enterprises will have few officials compared to larger organizations such as multinational corporations which will have multiple interlocking, hierarchical layers of administration and governance. As complexity increases and the nature of governance becomes more complicated,so does the need for formal policies and procedures. Some people, known as anarchists believe that societies would function better without a government.
2. Webster's Dictionary
1: the act or process of governing ; specifically : authoritative direction or control2obsolete : moral conduct or behavior : discretion3 a: the office, authority, or function of governing bobsolete : the term during which a governing official holds office4: the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions for a political unit : rule5 a: the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises authority and performs functions and which is usually classified according to the distribution of power within it b: the complex of political institutions, laws, and customs through which the function of governing is carried out6: the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: as a: the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency bcapitalized : the executive branch of the United States federal government ccapitalized : a small group of persons holding simultaneously the principal political executive offices of a nation or other political unit and being responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs: (1): such a group in a parliamentary system constituted by the cabinet or by the ministry (2): administration 4b
Body of people that sets and administers public policy, and exercises executive, political, and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state.
In my humble opinion, Government is a Good and Bad thing in today's society. Even though government is complex as a whole as it concerns a country, even the broken down or lower divisions are far from being helpful to the majority of its people. Especially in the united states, the government is so complex and multi-layered, it is almost impossible to follow a chain of command to the top. You have the president, congress, state government, city government and local government (then maybe tribal government). Because of the widespread dependence on government (or the governing body) to do everything, the people have blindly given the true power they have, to their government without even knowing it.
A government cannot exist without people, and the government cannot have power without the people giving them the power they need (your vote). If you decide not to vote next year for your local officials, you would see how fast they inquire into what is wrong and why people are not voting. All levels of government would eventually stop operating or take on a rogue character operating under fiction of law.
The good thing about government is that, if the people only knew they had the power to change legislature, laws, rules, regulations and other obstructions, they would play an active part in stabilizing the economy. It sickens me all the time when I see a group of people walking up and down protesting, with picket signs and shouting. Almost nothing gets done with this barbaric act. The term "The pen is mightier than the sword" is a phrase that should be framed and placed on every door on the inside, so you see it before you leave everyday.
Corruption, Secrecy, Deception, Greed, Fraud, Dereliction of fiduciary duty, and intimidation are just a few common words surrounding politics. The power to influence another human being in any society is considered a valuable asset or position to have. It is no different in government, some get busted, while some walk freely.
Why do the government take advantage of its people? Because the people or representatives let them get away with it. First is lack of interest or intelligence to approach the problem. If you do not know something is hurting you, why would you dig deeper? If you do not have the know how, it is normally common for an attorney to turn down your request to proceed with a government investigation unless it is a public matter.
So many problems, so little people with enough knowledge to help the rest... Very Sad.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
What is a Deficit?
"A budget deficit occurs when an entity spends more money than it takes in."
Which I interpret as you're broke. Simply put, if your creditors were to come for their money all at once, you'd never be able to pay them. I can never understand the rationale of spending what you don't have. Similar to credit cards, loans, etc. It is just plain irrational to assume that you will be able to cover the debt in the future. Most people live in the now, and not plan ahead for the future.
I am so glad I am free from debt and bills (well I pay my bills ahead of time), and it is sad that
America is run on a credit system.
I do wonder if we as a planet will ever go back to the times of Mesopotamia. Only natural things of value traded and no confusion about what's right and what's wrong. Simply and eye for an eye, whatever you accept as valuable to trade for whatever I want from you. This would be so much of a better world.
( & The money system has its benefits and disadvantages, but when combined with the system of credit, there does not seem to be any fair play among creditors (or the ones who control credit).
On the other hand, if you are naive enough to think that you will be able to pay back a large sum,
without considering social, economic and disaster factors, you're probably one of those people who has ruined credit or lost their home, car, etc. since the financial crisis hit rock bottom.
By no means am I bashing anyone, but being a rational person, I find it rather stupid to pay for anything for half your life. Look at a house, almost 80% get reposessed and you do not get your money back. If you can't pay, it (your house, car, etc) gets foreclosed, taken from you and the bank makes 100%+ profits, while you are left with nothing. Yet, the government continues to help these rip-off corporations while you suffer. The government is supposed to be for the people, by the people. However, it sure looks like its for the corporation, by the corporation, now that its down to the nitty gritty.
People don't seem to realize that the government is "SPENDING" on their behalf, so ultimately, WE THE PEOPLE is in debt (to who you might ask?). To china and every other stake holder, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
I was 100% for obama as a great change in spectrum for the white house, however, its clear that he is in way over his head at this point. The talk of change, although he did and still is working towards this goal, fueling corporations do not instill change. People are still loosing jobs and corporations are raking in big profits and free money from the stupidity of government thinking that these companies will hire more people now that they have more money.
If I had the attention of the american people, I would say this;
"My fellow americans - No, I am not american by birth I was born in Jamaica - But regardless I face the same struggles you face each and every day. I urge you to employ responsible measures to take back the power you have instilled in a body that has caused you grave harm. Be apart of the decision process that determines your life, your family's life, and your future as a whole. You are the ones who have given the government the power it needs to control your life. Now you need to get involved, make your voice be heard, help create the laws, help modify the rules, recreate the court systems, take back your power and use it to your benefit, not the benefit of the wealthy and the oppressing bloodsuckers. Take pride in building an economy that florishes on what you have, not what you had, or what you will have. We live in the now, not tomorrow, or yesterday, we need a system of government that is aware of our needs FIRST, not second to foreign policy! Think about these powerful words and as always, the choice is yours. Get your pens, papers, computers, printers and start gathering and reforming your system of government from local, state, federal and government levels!"