Saturday, April 2, 2016

Of God or of the Devil...or...?

As some of you might have already known, I'm an avid reader and researcher, amongst other things. I feel great in the presence of tasks ahead of me needing completion. Sometimes I revert back to old failures and end up learning more from my past, than what's in my present. I listen to audio, watch videos, read books and write occasionally (Free download of my book available here:

Early Childhood and Church
I'll admit, I've read and memorized much of the bible (King James Version) from childhood, sat in church for countless hours, and even got to the point of making what I thought was intelligent conversation with others. As a child, I did enjoy going to church, until around the age of 8 or 9, it became more and more annoying. Every Sunday, sometimes Saturday nights, everyone in my grandparent's house had to go. They read, preached, sang and did the same thing every week, and I did not see the point of it all. Yes, hell sounded like a horrible place, but if I went every Sunday, how could that save me? People got baptized and "saved", yet I see them getting frustrated in day to day life, cursing, doing bad/evil deeds and still go back to church with a saint-like attitude.

My grandfather was a "Deccan" and oversaw much of the church activities, and taught us with a strict attitude to always worship and praise "God", "Jesus", "Jehovah", etc. Yet when a question was asked, 99% of the time it was "nonsense" and "trust in god" was the answer any of us children would get. Despite all this, I tried to believe, but my mind and body would not let me. It didn't make sense to me, and as a result, my brain went to sleep anytime the lecture of the bible came along.

As the years went by, I attended church sparingly, then none at all. I eventually landed in NYC and the world of computers fascinated me. With the onslaught of information in a simple search, libraries everywhere, and no one to tell me what to do, I was actually excited to research more information about the bible.

More than one type of bible?
Back in Jamaica, it would be said rarely, that people who did magic (or "obeah" as it is said locally), was done with the use of a special bible called the "Maccabees Bible". This special bible is said to contain special incantations, spells, defense against curses, casting curses and a multitude of other things. Today, it's quite accessible through just about any book store online. The most popular ones for those interested can be found by searching for "Holy Bible containing Apocrypha". This selection includes books that were excluded from the popular church bibles in circulation in most book stores today. The missing books can also be found online for free ( At this time I will note that I know many of you will not even look, for fear of being "corrupted" or "thinking another way", and I respect that. However, if you do not know something, how can you defend against it or identify it if need be? Either way, I've read most of these books and see no significance to its secrecy, other than the boycotting of certain authors and some strong language that may be offensive or questionable, or draw controversy over certain issues. One such book is the "Gospel of Thomas". Many of you may not know that "Thomas" was actually the real name of "Judas" in the bible. And of 2nd note, there were actually 2 people named "Judas" at the time of "Jesus". But I digress, you can catch up on all that on your own with the resource points above.

Reading much of these books, among other literature, there was something that seemed strange. It was obvious that the "church" was hiding information, and it was also obvious that some people around us knew some if not much of that information. A friend of mine at the time of high school, read about 2 "Tom Clancy" books per week, in addition to all the school work we had to do. I couldn't understand what was so interesting in these mini encyclopedias that drew his attention to read so much. He was also an avid Christian, who, for whatever reason, never read the bible. This fact drew my attention even more curious, for he would never really talk about it. I knew he found out something he thought was either dangerous or contrary to his belief, why he stopped reading the bible. So I began to tell him much of what I learned from research and putting the puzzle of the bible, the church, movies, scientific research and other things together. To my surprise, instead of helping me along, he told me to stop digging in church business. And believe me, I was shocked. At this point, I decided, it's all or nothing, so I told him about the most secretive thing I knew at the time, the Jesuit Priests (this was around 1999). From that point on, he simply ignored anything else I had to say about the subject and told me to be careful.

I could tell he was scared, and didn't want to end up missing. But for some reason, I didn't see the danger in searching. For it is when one begins to create a movement, use the information for one's own profit, or try to awaken others, that the burden of those trying to keep things how they are, come after you.

Fast Forward...
Needless to say, the things I found out over the years disturbed me greatly. Yet, it made me strong inside, I always told myself it's better to know than to not know. Knowledge is only potential power, it's the action that counts, what you do with that knowledge. And to this day, I'm happy to say I'm still learning. I've learned from masters, teachers, and others, yet it all boils down to what you will accept as truth and walk that path, in my opinion. I was taught to see beyond the "veil". How to identify specific information from general sources, etc. My grandfather once told me "TV is the devil's machine, the only thing worth watching is the news, so you know what's going on", may God bless his soul.

About 2 months ago, it dawned on me, why not go through the whole bible and then make a decision on whether or not to believe anything in it, some of it or none of it? So I decided to search YouTube, since time doesn't permit me to read the book attentively. I came across a page with all the books read in a dramatized way, with different people reading different parts. (All can be found here:

Before I talk about the significance of the above link, let me first say this, I've written about the state of the world and much of my opinion on poverty, crime, punishment, prisons, governments and just about every other abomination of the current world. I've always believed in a universal being who did not interfere with the affairs of its creation. I've always believed that "Gods", especially the ones who come to earth are evil, sinister, or have an agenda that is later found out by other cultures. I've questioned the existence of Jesus, for records of what is detailed in the New Testament have never been found to be factual. Yet his name can be used to "Cast out" demons, assist in crowd healing of a person, used in prayers, and the like. Yet no prophet of the Old Testament prophesied his coming.

I can honestly say I believe the words of the old testament of the holy bible, ONLY. I believe that if we were still adhering to "Moses Law" or the law passed on to Moses and subsequently taught to the people, we would never have wars, hunger, fighting for resources or even a stock market. That being said, you would have to read the bible or listen to the words to see my point. The bible covers just about every situation of a "Normal" society. It tells what to do in just about every instance of life. From adultery, to neighborly law, to homosexuals and gays, to cleansing one's sins, offerings, and the law of the land when sewing and reaping crops, holy Sabbath, jubilee years and so much more. Knowing that what I heard was right, and looking up these things in my own bible and seeing it to be true, I can only walk in truth. If you would like to download the books from YouTube, you can use this program ( simply copy and paste the YouTube video links into the program and it will download them to your computer.

What is the concern of the Devil?
As mentioned above, there are a set of books called the "Maccabees" as well as the "Apocrypha". There is also knowledge that has been passed down through generations to certain sets of people who are able to contact or communicate with evil spirits to get physical things done. There is also the issue of the "Church" hiding information, distorting information and adding to the holy books. And the list goes on, yet there are very simple concerns of the devil, to lead living souls away from knowing the one and true "God" and keeping these souls forever in a bondage state by enticing the spirit and body to do abominable things because it may feel pleasing and satisfying to the body. An old saying from the 90's goes "Problem, reaction, solution". Which means if you have a solution, all you need is to cause the problem or alert people to it, so they have a reaction and your solution is readily accepted. It is used in every possible way in this world (Food = Brand + Hunger), etc. The devil is also extremely intelligent, an amazing theologian (knows gospel from every religion) and always willing to make a deal. He knows the ways to influence humans through generations of manipulation through the worshiping of various idols, demons, and gods. The devil knows of the times when we humans will rely more on others than seek the truth for ourselves, and hence, creates avenues to manipulate those in authority and power to stifle and suppress the rest of the population.

I often ask this question, "think about this, if you had all the food in the world, a nice home, and the ability to travel anywhere you please, what else would you want? You have as many wives or husbands as you can handle, what else would you want for pleasure? You have all the money to buy the world over twice, what else would you desire? The answer will easily be "Nothing". You would have exhausted your goal seeking nature, and become restless, bored and suicidal. There would not be anything of this world left for you to do that will give you satisfaction, so what else is there? You guessed right, the only thing left from that point is to seek something outside of this world, The Living God (Heavenly Father) or the Devil. The Devil will always be more persuasive, and "The Living God or Heavenly Father" will always be truth, righteousness and the path to living an incorruptible life, humble and in harmony with your fellow man. Though the laws decreed by Moses may be harsh to some of us, it is guaranteed to keep the land, our society, children, brethren and people free from demonic or satanic influence.

Do you think advances in science and technology actually makes our lives any better? Lets put time to the test. In 1930 the average cost of new car was $640. In 1930 the average income per year was $1,970.00 ( Fast forward to today, where the average cost of a new car is $31,252 ( and the average income per year is currently $50,000 (

You can do your own research on the rest of variables in life. NOTHING is actually getting better, the only thing science and technology does for us is show us potential and increase healthcare effectiveness for living abominable lives. Things have actually gotten worse if you ask me, for our very own homes have become a beacon of evil, from abuse of children to elicit parties. We strive on a majority level to have more money, get more "stuff" and live an idle life, when in fact, when we get to this stage, if we're persistent enough, it will all go towards evil deeds, or most of it.

Even the aspiration of knowledge and understanding can be greatly perverted by feeding us with a little truth and fluff the rest with incorrect information, keeping most in the dark and a few "enlightened fools".

The truth, I've grown to learn and know, never changes, and the truth is from "The Heavenly Father". The Devil will always have an alternate story, additions or hide the lies within the truth, because remember, he is still an Angel, and they MUST abide in truth to exist, even if it's a little truth.

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